Two-component, water-based epoxy resin primer, for the preliminary treatment of non-absorbent substrates prior to the laying of finishing cycles, including thick ones; the addition of cement or cement/quartz mixture to the epoxy system allows the creation of grouts and filling mortars.


High adhesion on non-absorbent substrates such as tiles, stoneware, natural and artificial stone; the use of the primer does not exclude that the surfaces must first be properly treated by mechanical roughening and/or acid etching, to promote adhesion.


Surfaces must be clean, free of substances that impede the adhesion of the substrate (waxes, silicones, traces of oil, grease). When possible, roughen the substrate by means of appropriate mechanical intervention (shot-peening, scraping, sandblasting, etc.). sandblasting, etc.). If roughening is not possible or for particularly difficult surfaces, always acidify with MONOPOL PL 06; apply the acid detergent evenly with a brush or roller and wait for the product to dry completely; rinse thoroughly to remove all traces of the treatment (the presence of acid residues may interfere with the hardener of successive two-component finishing cycles), and dry the surfaces. Base product and hardener should be mixed thoroughly for a few minutes, if possible mechanically. Bonding bridge: Spread the catalyzed mixture with a smooth roller, if necessary diluting with 3-4% of water. The first coat must always be made according to this application method, also using it to fix any reinforcement mesh.

Three-component grout: To 1 kg of catalysed product add 0.7 kg of cement, adjusting the fluidity with 2-3% of water if applied by trowel, up to 5% if applied by roller, in which case the treated surface may acquire a slightly textured appearance. Mortar: to the previous slurry mix, add under agitation 0.8 kg of quartz 01-03, adjusting the fluidity of the mix with 4-5% in weight of water; the mortar is applied by metal trowel, for horizontal surfaces also tipping it on the support and distributing it uniformly.

If used for levelling, make sure that the underlying substrate is solid to avoid delamination of the cortical layers; do not exceed 2 mm in thickness, providing for layering with reinforcing mesh; for sealing holes and irregularities, thicknesses may be greater. Grout and mortar may be used to fill joints, always after applying an unfilled layer as a bonding bridge.

Respect the mixing ratios to avoid the loss of the performance characteristics of the primer. Before overcoating with finishing products, wait at least 12 hours and do not exceed 24-36 hours. Work at temperatures between 10-35°C, even of the substrate (use below 10°C does not allow the catalysis reaction). Wash the tools with water immediately after use. If the primer is used before acrylate-isocyanate finishes of the DUALENE AIC W series, allow it to dry completely for at least 48 hours before applying the next product; short overlapping times may cause interaction between the amine of the epoxy hardener of the primer and the isocyanate of the finish with partial degradation and loss of the performance.


The yield varies depending on the roughness and absorption of the substrate and the method of use; Bonding bridge (roller): on average 0.15 kg/m2 is consumed Three-component grout (roller): average consumption 0.6 kg/m2 corresponding to approx. 0.35 kg of epoxy primer (0.25 kg of cement) Mortar (trowel): on average, 1.25 kg/m2 of mortar is consumed, corresponding to approx. 0.47 kg of epoxy primer (0.33 kg of cement/0.38 kg of quartz).


Mixing ratio base (Har./B.P.) 80/20 (100/25)
Density .3 kg/L
Dry residue by weight 67%.
Pot-life at 22°C (time is shortened by increasing the quantity prepared) approx. 1 h
Mixture ratio primer/concrete (weight) /0.7 Density .6 kg/L
Dry residue by weight 75%.
Mixture ratio of base/cement/quartz (weight) /0.7/0.8
Density 2.25 kg/L
Dry residue by weight 85%.
Storage (frost resistant) 5-30°C
Stability in original packaging 2 months